2016 iDARE Abstracts
Attiwill ‘an ethics of exteriority’
Austin & Kohn Informed Consent in the rehearsal room – ethics, agency and performance making with extraordinary young minds.
Badham & Macdowell What’s the harm of community arts and social practice? the ethics of engagement and negative value
Barrett Relationality and Ethical Know-how in Indigenous Research
Butt & O’Reilly The Ethics of Artistic Infrastructure under Neoliberalism
Edmonds Aboriginal young people, digital identities and ethical considerations for adopting collaborative methodologies in creative practice
Fitzpatrick, Mackay, Macfarlane, Phillips & Spiers Creating with Communities: A panel conversation on the ethics of Socially Engaged Art
Goodman Once More with Feeling: Whitehead’s concept of feeling and a trans-human ethics.
Hibbert & Djuric Art and the pain of others: creative collaboration and research ethics in the context of lived trauma
Horsley Public Displays of Affection – Disability Arts Collaboration and Consent
Ings Conflicted Pursuits: Relational ethics and the creative practitioner
Kent + Peoples The Telepathy Project: Towards an ethics of collaboratively produced knowledge
Lavranos Telling a story and mediating reality in documentary practice: Problems that arise when capturing the stories of vulnerable participants in video.
Luckhurst Ethics and Actor Training
Newman & Adams The Question, the Material and the Ethos of Creative Research
Nykiel How ethical is a ball of string?
Vine Challenges for Journalism Creative Practice Research in the Academic Context: A Clash of Cultures and the National Statement’s Potential as Mediator
von Dietz Applying Ethical standards when creative practice causes harm.
Vu Coloured Aliens
Keynote Abstracts