2016 iDARE conference registration
The 2016 iDARE conference is on 27-28th September 2016 at Federation Hall, VCA, University of Melbourne.
Register for the conference: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/idare-conference-2016-tickets-26632570736?aff=idare1
Tuesday 9am for 9.30am – 6pm and Keynote 6.30-7.30pm
Wednesday 9am for 9.30am – 3.45pm.
The conference is free and supported by the OLT funded project, Developing new approaches to ethics and research integrity training through challenges posed by Creative Practice Research.
Macgeorge Visiting Speaker/Performer Keynote only attendance:
Register for Professor Jane Rendell’s keynote Tuesday 27 September 6pm for 6.30-7.30pm:
Supported by the Macgeorge Bequest.
There is limited public parking 2-3 hours near the venue, the Grant Street tram stop in St Kilda Rd is the closest tram stop.
Map to the venue: