Call for book chapters
iDARE 2016 – Call for Papers for Book publication
The Ethics of Innovation and Creative Practice Research
We invite you to submit a proposal for an edited book The Ethics of Innovation and Creative Practice Research that addresses the “ethical” issues for contemporary artists, designers and performers working in the academy and beyond. The edited book aims to contribute to the robust discussion around the relationship between ethics and creative practice research. It will propose and highlight creative practice projects in the academy and beyond that innovatively question and critically think through the ethical know-how involved in creative practice.
Submissions may address one or a number of the following prompts:
- Ethics and creative research practice methodologies
- Ethics and creative practice partnerships, with individuals, with communities, with institutions
- Ethical pedagogies, models and examples
- Agency and identity of creative practice researchers in relation to ethics
- Critical theory responses to institutional ethics and creative practice research
- Overviews and critical reporting of creative research practices and ethical processes
- Ethics and governance of research in the creative practices
- Ethical actions: the participatory audience as collaborators
Submission process
- Abstract 150 words and 100 word biography
- Chapter of up to 7000 words
- Chicago, author – date
The submission will be reviewed for selection by the editors. Please prepare your submission of the abstract and the full chapter as a MS word document. This chapter should include full author details and affiliation.
Review criteria
Each submission to the conference will be reviewed according to the following criteria:
- It responds and contributes to the book theme;
- It is connected to, and in conversation with, appropriate scholarly literature;
- It demonstrates how and why it is of interest to the intended audience.
It is well written.
Key dates:
Task | Deadline |
Abstract and biography due | Monday 5 December 2016 |
Peer review by editor/s | 6-14 December 2016 |
Submit proposal to publisher | Friday 16 December 2016 |
Chapters due | 3rd April 2017 |
Peer review by editors/
Editorial advisory board |
April- 2nd June 2017 |
Author review | 15 June 2017- 14 July 2017 |
Foreword for manuscript | August 2017 |
Submission of full manuscript | 29 September 2017 |
(These dates are yet to be confirmed and may change.)
Send by email co and
with the subject line: bookchapter_abstract (or chapter)_lastname